Skits & Songs

We love camp because it is so silly sometimes!  Every day, the campers get to sing lots of funny songs.  We also get to see really funny skits when we have campfires.  We know all the songs and skits and love to perform them for people!

Before breakfast and dinner every day, the campers gather at the flagpole.  Different counselors or cabins volunteer to lead songs, and everyone joins in.

These are some of our favorite flagpole songs:

Liam's very favorite is "Little Red Wagon."  Here you can see him singing it with our dad:

We also like the funny skits that the counselors and staff do at closing campfire each Friday night.  We have seen some of these skits so many times that even Liam knows them by heart!  Some of the skits, though, are only done once or twice a year.  Some of our favorites are:

Bandana / Banana:

A Day at the Ranch:

Tecumseh Nights:

Campfire Songs
There are also some songs that we only sing at campfire.  These songs are usually longer than flagpole songs, and counselors or staff lead them from up front.  This is one of our favorites.... it's called "Tecumseh Counselor," and the version in this video was a very special one, because counselors from the past came back and made a "guest appearance" to sing it!

Lots of the songs we sing at campfire are funny like that one, but others are slower and make the campers cry.  The campers usually get really sad at campfire, because they have to leave camp the next morning and won't be back until the next year.  We sing "Tecumseh" at the end of campfire every week, and even some of the counselors cry.  This place is so special to all of us!

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